Fix this before you learn voice acting

Fix this before you learn voice acting


I will be very quick on this. Once I got a person on my coaching program who was struggling to get voice acting jobs.

She was into many different things like group voice acting session, personal voice acting trainer etc…

All her things involved around acting. Don’t get me wrong, that is fine and you should do that if you have the budget and time …

However, her audio processing chain was flawed and produced audio was not up to the mark …

So I suggested her to learn few things so the auditions she sent are better

If your audio is not good enough, your acting goes unnoticed. People will not notice that you have a nice voice.

She replied “I don’t have time to learn these things, I am busy with acting trainings and such …“

I understood then why it is becoming so hard for her to get voice acting jobs …

When you are acting in front of people, they can see your performance …

When you are sending it through audio, you have to make sure your audio is well-prepared to upheld your performance …

As a voice actor, you won’t earn money for good editing techniques …

But I can guarantee, you will lose tons of money, if you don’t know proper audio editing …

You can learn the craft from me for once and you will have the skill for the rest of your life:

It will work both with Audacity & Adobe Audition as I will teach you “secret” recording techniques for faster editing.

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