Complete checklist for high quality Voice-Over

If you want to produce high-quality voice-overs for audiobooks, voice acting jobs, YouTube or social media content, courses, or training, you must complete a checklist.

I am providing that checklist in the form of statements. If you do not know about a statement I listed below, Google it or watch YouTube videos related to it.

I will improve this post with details of each statement later.

  1. You have an external microphone.

  2. You know the polar pattern of your microphone and can take advantage of it.

  3. Your recording room is quiet, or you get quiet enough passage of time during recording.

  4. You have set up your recording room so that minimal white noise enters the recording.

  5. Your recording level is around -15 dB to -6 dB.

  6. You can understand if your recording has room echo or sound reflection.

  7. You have softened your recording space.

  8. You can use Normalize and Compressors audio effects to reach the desired output level.

  9. You understand the difference between the Peak and RMS levels of a recording.

  10. You can export the audio as MP3 or WAV, meeting the requirements of the given instructions.

  11. You understand what is a mouth click.

  12. You can spot and delete breaths from the waveform.

  13. You know which plugins can remove mouth click and how much of it.

  14. You know what a sibilance is.

  15. You can create a new track on your DAW.

  16. You can record a new track while other tracks are open in your DAW.

  17. You understand what a dead silence is.

  18. You know about ACX requirements.

  19. You understand what distortion is.

  20. You know what is clipping.

  21. You know what is plosive.

  22. You know some talking techniques to avoid plosive.

  23. You understand what a proximity effect is.

  24. By looking at the waveform, you can identify if it is a mono or stereo track.

In the future, this document will have detailed guidelines for each point. In the meantime, you can check my courses and tools for Audacity & Adobe Audition:


  1. You have an external microphone. The built-in microphone in your laptop is not good enough.